All items on this agenda, including but not limited to any agenda item concerning the adoption of any ordinance, resolution, contract, agreement, or any other item of business, are subject to amendment, including additions and/or deletions. This rule will apply to every individual agenda item without exception, and without providing this same amendment language with respect to each individual agenda item. Such amendments should be rationally related to the topic of the agenda item, or the governing body will be advised to continue the item.

The governing body may adopt, approve, ratify, deny, defer, recommend, amend, strike, or continue any agenda item. When more information is needed to act on an item, the governing body may refer the matter to its City/Trust Manager, staff, attorney or to the recommending board, commission, or committee.



Clinton Regional Hospital
January 8, 2025, 2025, 12:00 P.M.
CLINTON Regional Hospital


     I.        CALL TO ORDER

If there is any potentially known conflict of interest relevant to a matter requiring action by the Board, the trustee(s) shall call it to the attention of the Board at this time and said trustee(s) shall not vote on the matter.



(All items listed under the Consent Agenda Items are deemed to be non-controversial and routine in nature by the Board of Trustees. The following items will not be discussed but will be approved by one motion of the Board of Trustees unless any Board member desires to discuss an item, at which time it will then be removed and thus placed as a Regular Agenda Item for consideration and approval on this Agenda. The Consent Agenda Items consists of the following items:)


A.   Approval of Minutes December 17, 2024 Special Meeting, December 18, 2024 Emergency Meeting, December 31, 2024 Special Meeting

B.   Consider Claims


  III.        BUSINESS ITEMS (Discussion, Consideration, and Possible Action Regarding):

A.   Administrative Reports:

1.     Executive Summary




A.   Update Regarding Claims Processing

B.   Invoices to Be Paid


   V.        New Business (If any, Pursuant to Section 311.9 of the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act.)

All items on this agenda, including but not limited to any agenda item concerning the adoption of any ordinance, resolution, contract, agreement, or any other item of business, are subject to amendment, including additions and/or deletions. This rule will apply to every individual agenda item without exception, and without providing this same amendment language with respect to each individual agenda item. Such amendments should be rationally related to the topic of the agenda item, or the governing body will be advised to continue the item.


The governing body may adopt, approve, ratify, deny, defer, recommend, amend, strike, or continue any agenda item. When more information is needed to act on an item, the governing body may refer the matter to its City/Trust Manager, staff, attorney or to the recommending board, commission, or committee.

  VI.        Trustee Comments


VII.        Chief Executive Officer Comments


VIII.        Adjourn


Filed this 6th Day of January of 2025 and Posted on the bulletin board in the lobby of the Clinton City Hall and the front door of the Clinton Regional Hospital on January 6, 2025, at 11:30 a.m.    




Amy E. Jones, Secretary