All items on this agenda, including but not limited to any agenda item concerning the adoption of any ordinance, resolution, contract, agreement, or any other item of business, are subject to amendment, including additions and/or deletions. This rule will apply to every individual agenda item without exception, and without providing this same amendment language with respect to each individual agenda item. Such amendments should be rationally related to the topic of the agenda item, or the governing body will be advised to continue the item.


The governing body may adopt, approve, ratify, deny, defer, recommend, amend, strike, or continue any agenda item. When more information is needed to act on an item, the governing body may refer the matter to its City/Trust Manager, staff, attorney or to the recommending board, commission, or committee




Clinton Regional Hospital


Wednesday, July  24, 2024, 12:00 P.M.






I.                   CALL TO ORDER

If there is any potentially known conflict of interest relevant to a matter requiring action by the Board, the trustee(s) shall call it to the attention of the Board at this time and said trustee(s) shall not vote on the matter.


All items listed under the Consent Agenda Items are deemed to be non-controversial and routine in nature by the Board of Trustees. The following items will not be discussed but will be approved by one motion of the Board of Trustees unless any Board member desires to discuss an item, at which time it will then be removed and thus placed as a Regular Agenda Item for consideration and approval on this Agenda. The Consent Agenda Items consists of the following items:

A.     Approval of Minutes July 10, 2024, Special Meeting

B.     Consider Claims


III.             BUSINESS ITEMS (Discussion, Consideration, and Possible Action Regarding):

A.    Administrative reports

1. Executive Report – Update

B.     First Amendment to SNP, PLLC consulting Practitioner Services Agreement  

C.     REH Team training August 7, 2024

D.    Termation of Contract for Trubridge

E.     Intrafund Borrowing Agreement Between the Clinton General Fund and the Clinton Hospital Authority

F.      Intrafund Borrowing Agreement Between the Clinton Public Works Authority and the Clinton Hospital Authority.



A.    Financial Statement

B.     Invoices to be paid



A.    Review and Approval Monthly Quality Assurance/Performance program meeting minutes 06/17/24.

B.     Review and Approval Monthly Safety/Emergency management Committee meeting 06/05/24.


VI.             Approval of Policy and Procedures for Cardiac Rehabilitation


CR 001 Department Goals

CR 002 Mission Statement

CR 003 Philosophy

CR 004 Diversity and Culturally Competent Care

CR 005 Participant Selection and Exclusion Policy

CR 006 Referral Resources and Process

CR 007 Facilities Policy

CR 008 Early Outpatient Phase

CR 009 Early Outpatient Discharge Criteria

CR 010 Abuse and Neglect Policy

CR 011 Patient Grievances and Complaints

CR 012 Professional Staff Policy

CR 013 Job Description Medical Director

CR 014 Job Description Registered Nurse

CR 015 Job Description Physical Therapist

CR 016 Staff Competency Policy

CR 017 Orientation Policy

CR 018 Participant Orientation Check List

CR 019 Participant Profile Page

CR 020Self-Administered Participant Health History

CR 021 Informed Consent for Cardiac Rehabilitation

CR 022 Participant's Rights and Responsibilities

CR 023 Written Agreement for Participation

CR 024 Emergency Treatment Consent Form

CR 025 Photography Consent Form

CR 026 Class Schedule of Events

CR 027 Orientation Welcome Letter

CR 028 Attendance Policy

CR 029 Sign-In Sheet

CR 030 Participant's Rights

CR 031 Educational Tests/Flowsheet

CR 032 Educational Assessment Tool

CR 033 Education Evaluation

CR 034 Guidelines for Age and Gender Considerations

CR 035 Guidelines for The Diabetic Patient

CR 036 Guidelines for The Participant with Heart Failure (HF and Left Ventricular Dysfunction (LVD)

CR 037 Guidelines for The Arrhythmia, Pacemaker, and ICD Participant

CR 038 Guidelines for The Participant with Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD)

CR 039 Guidelines for The Transplant Participant

CR 040 Psychosocial Considerations and Interventions

CR 041 Emotional Assessment

CR 042 Participant Progress Reports

CR 043 Physician Referral Policy

CR 044 Physician Referral

CR 045 Participant Review Form

CR 046 Physician Notification of Patient Event

CR 047 Physician Response to Notification of Patient Event

CR-048 Documentation and Record Keeping

CR 049 Exercise Blood Pressure Policy

CR 050 Telemetry Monitoring Policy

CR 051 Resistance Training Policy

CR 052 Policy for Termination of Outpatient Exercise

CR 053 Home Exercise Policy

CR 054 Home Exercise Program

CR 055 Home Exercise Agreement

CR 056 Home Exercise Log

CR 057 Home Exercise-Warming Up

CR 058 Home Exercise-Cooling Down

CR 059 Rating Scales

CR 060 Healthy Heart Home Program Agreement

CR 061 Supplies Policy

CR 062 Equipment Policy

CR 063 Infection Prevention and Control Policy

CR 064 Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI)

CR 065 Reimbursement Policy

CR 066 Waiver of Liability Notices

CR 067 Insurance Pre-Certification

CR 068 Safety and Emergency Protocols

CR 069 Emergent/Nonemergent Interventions

CR 070 Emergency Equipment and Supplies

CR 071 Emergency Supplies and Medications

CR 072 Hazardous Materials Policy

CR 073 Exercise Prescription for the Cardiac Participant

CR 074 Approximate Metabolic Cost of Selected Activities MET Tasks

CR 075 Approximate Metabolic Cost of Selected Occupational Work Tasks

CR 076 Leisure Activities in METs

CR 077 Risk Stratification

CR 078 Emergency Codes and Safety/Security Management

CR 079 Exercise Prescription for The Phase III Cardiac Patient


VII.        New Business (According to Audience Participation Decorum Guidelines at Clinton City Council Public Meetings effective: 2/14/2017)


VIII.        Adjourn


Agenda Filed the 22nd day of July 2024, posted on the bulletin board in the lobby of the Clinton City Hall and Clinton Regional Hospital front door, July 22, 2024, at 11:55 a.m.


AMENDA Agenda the 23rd day of July 2024, posted on the bulletin board in the lobby of the Clinton City Hall and Clinton Regional Hospital front door, July 23, 2024, at 11:00 a.m.